This church was built between 1688 and 1794, its main façade presents a series of architectural elements typical of primate churches, such as the Cross of Caravaca, the Papal Emblem and the keys to the city. The main altarpiece was restored in 2018, as was the painting of Our Lady of the Assumption. Its altar was probably made in the middle of the 18th century. The gilding elements correspond to 23-carat gold leaf.

Pope Francis consecrated the altar of the church on January 26, 2019, during the activities of WYD Panama. At the consecration mass of the altar, the head of the Vatican himself was surprised by the beauty of the temple and thanked all those involved in the magnificent work.

Useful information:

  • World Heritage Site
  • National hystoric monument
  • Business hours: 7:00 a.m./ 7:00 p.m.
  • Free entry
  • Approximate visit time: 30 minutes onwards
  • We recommend visiting with proper attire (fresh clothes are allowed)
  • Taking photos is allowed
  • Take your hat off before entering
  • No smoking
  • Don’t talk on the cell phone

Source: Felix A. Escobar (ATP)